Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Names

Dear Dreamers...
People still don't seem to grasp the concept of my two names so I thought I'd make an entire blog devoted to name "yagurldadreamer" originated from my mother. Those that know me, know the trials I've been through with her. She always referred to me as her "'creative' one but I always seemed to have my head in the clouds, and need to be brought back to reality." She made fun of the fact that I had "big dreams" that would never come true as well as others I felt were close to me and should've supported me. In tern, instead of taking the negative energy from those comments and let it effect me negatively, I became the dreamer. I realized that I do have big dreams. I even have lil statuesque dolls in my room that have clouds and stars on my ceiling. I embraced the image that was once used to tear me down. The fact is, before every big event, you plan, think, and even dream about it...nothing just happens over night. I am the perfect example of it...ya'll have seen me grow through myspace and especially my youtube account. Martin ain't the only one with a dream lol...I dreamt of one day living my dream and one day I'll live the dream...but every day...even when that happens, I'll still be DADREAMER 

Soon2basinger - I thought this name was very self explanitory until I actually thought about the depth of it. In close relativity to my myspace account, it was showing the growth of a person. I always wanted to be considered this and that type of an individual but as much as I want to be a singer, I realized at the age of 13 I had a lot of work to do...I sang everyday practiced piano every day, danced every time a beat came in...I loved/love what I did/do...I continued to grow until I became 15/16 and felt I'm almost there...I've overcame many obstacles and tribulations to be considered the one thing I wanted most out of life (a singer). Not quite there yet, but well on my way I'm soon 2 b...learning, growing, becoming more each and everyday...I embrace both my names because as ackward as they may appear to some, they were well planned and uniquely made to fit my personality...

SpongeBreezy - The name is somewhat "out there" in a sense. Anyone that knows me, know that I was nicknamed Spongebob in grade school because my real name was WAY too common. I adopted the Breezy and left the Bob out to feminize the somewhat masculine cartoon character persona I am lmao. Now, people rarely call me the full thing, they shorten my nickname by calling me a variation of either Sponge or more commonly Breezy.

Sweet Dreams...